El Verano en Tutor Zone

El Verano En Tutor Zone

El Verano En Tutor Zone

This intro course is perfect for younger students interested in learning a second language-Spanish. Before age
14 is said to be the best time to learn another language. However, this course is also open to other students
interested in an introductory course to Spanish.

El Verano En Tutor Zone

El Verano En Tutor Zone

This intro course is perfect for younger students interested in learning a second language-Spanish. Before age
14 is said to be the best time to learn another language. However, this course is also open to other students
interested in an introductory course to Spanish.

El Verano En Tutor Zone

  • Alphabet and numbers: Introduce numbers and alphabet sounds to understand pronunciation

    -Students must know the letters of the alphabet in Spanish
    -Students must be able to say numbers 1-20, 30, 40,…,100, etc.

Lesson 1: Greetings: Begin Basic Greeting Sentences for Communication
  1. Students must be able to greet you when they come in and as they leave.
  2. Students must be able to identify different emotions.
    • Greetings:
      -Hola/ Buenos dias/ Buenas tardes/ Buenas noches
      -Senor/ Senora/ Senorita
      -Como estas/esta?
      -Bien/mal/triste/feliz/asi asi, Gracias
      -Y usted/tu?|
      -Adios/ Hasta luego/ Hasta la vista/ Hasta manana
Lesson 2: AR Conjugation: Establish Foundation of Conjugations Through –ar Verbs
  1. Introduce conjugation using regular -ar verbs.
  2. What is Conjugation?
    • The variation of the form of a verb in an inflected language such as Latin, by which are identified the voice, mood, tense, number, and person.
    • The class in which a verb is put according to the manner of this variation:
      -Ex: I RUN quickly but he RUNS slowly.
      -Ex: We EAT anything, she only EATS veggies.
      -Ex: Not: They READS in class but he READ at school.
      http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/parts-of-speech/verbs/what-is-a-conjugated-verb.html (** explanation in English**)
Lesson 3: Dates/Months/seasons/colors: Introduce Dates and Months
  1. Learn days of the week and months.
  2. Learn how to ask and respond for the date and birthday.
Lesson 4: -er and -ir Conjugation: Advance with Conjugation Through –er and –ir Verbs
  1. Introduce  -er and –ir conjugations rules and their similarities to –ar rules.
Lesson 5: Adjectives: Work with Adjectives to Describe Themselves and Their Environment
  1. Exercise: Play a game of “Guess Who” in Spanish
    • Describe the characters using adjectives in Spanish
      -Example: “Eres un nino?”, “Tienes ojos azules?”, “Tienes un Sombrero?”
    • Once they have the hang of it, describe the character using tow adjectives. one to describe their appearance and one to describe their personality.
      -Example: “Tienes el pelo rojo y eres serio?”, “Tienes lentes y eres inteligente?”