Fluency and Beyond
This program will build on reading fluency in four ways: accuracy of words, development of speed and words per minute, expression in using appropriate emotion, and comprehension of text with ease. Leading to an increase of stamina and improvement of students’ reading fluency and comprehension skills.

Fluency and Beyond
This program will build on reading fluency in four ways: accuracy of words, development of speed and words per minute, expression in using appropriate emotion, and comprehension of text with ease. Leading to an increase of stamina and improvement of students’ reading fluency and comprehension skills.
Fluency and Beyond Outline
Lesson 1: Alphabet
- Letters and sounds
- Vowels and consonants
- Long and short vowels
- 2 letter blends
- Vowels with consonants: (a)n, (e)n, (i)n, (a)t, (e)t, (i)t, (o)t, (u)t, (i)k, (u)k etc
- 3 letter words: Cat, Hat, Pin, Pen, etc
- 2 letter blends
Lesson 2: Silent E and Sight Words
- Silent E
- Long vowels
- 2 vowel rule
- Sight words
- Said, am, my, have, and, we, etc
- Silent E
Lesson 3: 2 Consonant Blends
- 2 consonant blends
- Most common ones: th, sh, wh, ch
- Vowel blends: ea, ai, ay, ee, etc
- Continue: (b)r, (g)r, (f)r, (s)m, (c)k, (n)g, etc
- 4 letter words
- 2 consonant blends
Lesson 4: 3 Consonant Blends
- 3 consonant blends
- spr, str, the, sqr,spl, tch, dge, tch, etc
- “ing” endings
- 5 letter words
- 3 consonant blends
Lesson 5: Listen and Read
- Instructor reads and student repeats
- Reading short easy sentences
- 4 – 8 words
- Short stories
- 6-10 sentences with comprehension
- Repetition and stamina
Lesson 6: Syllables
- Word breakdown
- 2 – 4 syllabes
- Chunking phrases
- Where to take pauses in sentences
- Word breakdown
Lesson 7: Rhyme time
- Dr. Seuss, Short poems, practice repetition
- Patterns
- Words with:
- Same beginning
- Same ending
- Work on stamina
Lesson 8: Punctuation
- What exclamations, periods, question marks, and quotes mean
- How each affects pattern of reading
- How to read them with emphasis
- Work on stamina
- What exclamations, periods, question marks, and quotes mean